Cannes Festival: Best Shopping Guide

Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
September 28, 2023
3 min read

Are you planning to attend the Cannes Film Festival this year ? Apart from enjoying the film screenings, red carpet events, and glamorous parties, you may want to indulge in some shopping and pick up souvenirs to remember your trip. Cannes offers a wide range of shopping options, from high-end boutiques to artisanal shops and souvenir markets. In this guide, we will help you navigate through the best shopping and souvenir spots in Cannes during the film festival.

A Shopper's Paradise in Cannes

Cannes is not only known for its famous film festival but also as a shopper's paradise. During the festival, the city is bustling with activity, and many luxury brands set up pop-up shops or sponsor events. Whether you're looking for designer clothing, accessories, cosmetics, or perfumes, Cannes has something for everyone. But if you want to explore the city's hidden gems and discover unique souvenirs, you may want to venture off the beaten track.

Getting Around Cannes : How Koko Services Can Help

Before we dive into the best shopping and souvenir spots in Cannes, let us introduce ourselves. Koko Services is a leading private chauffeur company in the French Riviera, offering high-quality transportation services to tourists and locals alike. We provide private chauffeur services, airport transfers, and tailor-made sightseeing tours in the beautiful Côte d'Azur region. Our team of skilled and bilingual drivers will accompany you with great expertise and guarantee a safe journey. We can also accompany you on your stress-free shopping day in comfort, ensuring that you have the best experience possible.

Best Shopping Destinations in Cannes

  1. Rue d'Antibes: One of the most famous shopping streets in Cannes, Rue d'Antibes offers a wide range of luxury brands, including Chanel, Dior, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton. You can also find local boutiques, jewelry stores, and gourmet food shops.
  2. La Croisette: Another iconic shopping destination in Cannes, La Croisette is a palm-lined promenade that offers stunning sea views and high-end shops. You can browse through Cartier, Hermes, Prada, and more, while enjoying a leisurely stroll along the beach.
  3. Marché Forville: If you want to experience a more authentic shopping atmosphere, head to Marché Forville. This bustling market offers fresh produce, seafood, cheese, and flowers, as well as local crafts and souvenirs. You can also grab a bite to eat at one of the many food stalls.
  4. Le Suquet: The historic district of Cannes, Le Suquet, is a charming maze of narrow streets, colorful houses, and quaint shops. You can find artisanal products, such as pottery, olive oil, and lavender, as well as antique stores and art galleries.

Best Souvenirs to Bring Back from Cannes

  1. Perfume: Cannes is known for its luxurious perfumes, and you can find many famous brands, such as Fragonard and Molinard. You can also visit perfume factories and create your own unique scent.
  2. Artisanal Products: From pottery to olive oil, from honey to lavender, Cannes offers a wide range of artisanal products that make perfect souvenirs. You can find them in local shops or markets.
  3. Postcards and Prints: If you want to capture the beauty of Cannes, you can buy postcards or prints of the city's landmarks, such as the Palais des Festivals, the Croisette, or the Suquet.
  4. Food : Cannes is known for its gourmet food, and you can bring back some of the city's specialties, such as nougat, macarons, and chocolates. You can also find local wines and olive oils that make perfect gifts for foodies.

Shop and Explore Cannes with Koko Services 

Whether you're a film lover, a shopaholic, or a foodie, Cannes has something to offer for everyone. By using Koko Services, you can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience and explore the city's hidden gems with ease. Our private chauffeur services will ensure that you have a comfortable and safe journey while discovering the best shopping and souvenir spots in Cannes. Contact us today to book your private driver and start your adventure in the French Riviera!

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Sophie Moore - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Dilan Ö.
Content Writer
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